Tokyo Disneyland Horned Mansion Mystery Solving “The Entrusted Message and Raven's Guidance”
Mystery Solving Program “The Entrusted Message and Raven's Guidance” The “Entrusted Message and Raven's Guidance” is a puzzle-solving program available at Tokyo Disneyland. The program allows visitors to proceed using a smart phone and the items included in the kit, with different endings depending on the percentage of correct answers. Depending on the percentage of correct answers, you will be able to enjoy different endings. This program also includes riddles to be solved by touring around Tokyo Disneyland. Price 1,500 JPY 〜Story〜 The Horned Mansion is home to 999 ghosts. You, a fellow mortal, visit this mansion ”You”, a Fellow Mortal, visit this mansion and proceed to find out the identity of the noises coming from the back of the mansion. In the library, you see Z.J., who works at the mansion. “You” unintentionally approached Z.J. and asked if she was facing an imminent situation. ”You” found out that she was facing an imminent situation.... Her father, Xavier, has placed a...